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Fuck Captalists, Truly

It is time for everyone to stop pretending that capitalism works. It has failed. Eight wealthy white men (that's right, men; no women) together control more wealth than 3.5 billion others. That is not the product of equal opportunity. That is the product of privilege handed out to a few, and set in to a cycle that curls back on the the same few people, over and over. The vast majority of people are left entirely out of that. That is by design. It is not an accident that capitalism creates inequality. Capitalists design and redesign capitalism over and over to make sure it happens that way.

It is time for this to end.

It is time to cut the head off of this ouroboros. It is time for the captalists, one way or another, to go away. The means of production, the banking system, the seats of governments all must be removed from their hands.


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